Eros Work
About the Facilitators
Cliff Barry​
Cliff Barry is the Founder of Shadow Work Seminars Inc.
Cliff designed the Shadow Work® Process and founded Shadow Work® Seminars. Cliff works together with Vicki Woodard, his wife, in leading the Shadow Work Trainings. Together, they live in Boulder, CO.
Nathalie Jackson
“My thirst for living life fully propels me forward, keeping my flame burning brightly and my life’s purpose clear and real. I am here to create healing spaces for transformation. It is my intention and prayer that in the sacredness of these precious moments you too will find your way home.”
~ Nathalie
Woman Unveiled school of women’s mysteries was birthed from this prayer. It is a program designed for women to explore the truth of your inner knowing, to go deep, to journey inward, to find your way home, to feel the support of a sisterhood of women around you, to learn to live your life fully, to be the most magnificent you.
Nathalie is a graduate from the Priestess Path Apprenticeship program and Women In Power Initiation. She is a Certified ShadowWork® Facilitator & Certified FireWalk Facilitator. She is the founder of the Woman Unveiled School of Women’s Mysteries, including The Priestess Initiation and The Apprenticeship. She is also co-founder of StoneHedge Ecovillage. Nathalie has been facilitating transformative circles for over 17 years & been on a journey of personal transformation and growth for over 21 years. She is a mother, engineer, daughter of the earth, lover, partner, friend, holistic practitioner, creator of her dreams, and fully dedicated to supporting men and women on their journey of unfolding. Nathalie is currently living in Alberta, Canada.
Giles Carwyn is a Certified Shadow Work® Facilitator and Coach who specializes in men’s sexuality. He is a co-creator of the Eros Work Program and the Men’s Sexual Shadow Transformation Weekend with Shadow Work® founder Cliff Barry. He is also a novelist, screenwriter, father, and leader in the Asheville, NC ManKind Project.
Giles discovered Shadow Work® after participating in the ManKind Project’s New Warrior Training Adventure. He was amazed at how profoundly that experience changed his understanding of himself and his place in the world. On that weekend he embraced a life mission to co-create a world where everyone is seen, known, and loved.
Shadow Work® has been, by far, the most effective tool he has discovered for understanding and letting go of the things that no longer serve us and envisioning, embracing, and integrating new ways of being that are more joyful, effortless, and empowering.
Giles Carwyn​
Heidi Loeppky
Heidi is the founder of Shamaya Tantra and is currently training as a Shadow Work® coach and facilitator. She is the co-creator of the Canadian Tantra Festival and offers regular Tantra workshops in her home base of Edmonton, Alberta. Her websites are and
Judge Mattocks, Jr
Judge is a certified Shadow Work® coach and group facilitator. He has been ManKind Project weekend co-leader. He comes from a background of recovery and self-development and brings various experiences from a non-dominant-cultural point of view.
Judge has dedicated himself over the past 15 years developing tools to work within highly charged healing containers. His work with Vets Journey Home, the Mandkind Project's multi-cultural initiatives and participating in an ongoing co-gender circle since 2004 are some of the special tools brings to the team.
Bridget Benton Carwyn
Bridget is a Certified Shadow Work® Facilitator, Creativity Coach, and Certified FourSight® Facilitator. She is also an artist and the award-winning author of the creativity workshop-in-a-book The Creative Conversation: ArtMaking as Playful Prayer. Bridget has been guiding people through transformational creative experiences since 2003. She views sexuality, spirituality, and creativity all as expressions of our human desire to connect and make meaning. Her passion is creating spaces where people can find their authentic voice and change the stories that hold them back. Bridget also brings a lifetime of experience as a bisexual woman, body positivity activist, and kink-positive feminist. 503-913-4558.